Meet Our Team

Glenn Rosecrans

Glenn Rosecrans

Position: Chief

22 yrs in the Fire Service and is Certified in FF III, Haz Mat Ops, Instructor I, Fire Inspector, NIMS Command Staff, Vertical Rescue, Vehicle Machinery Extrication Ops, and EMT-B


I started my career in emergency services by becoming an EMT in 1986 receiving my training at OSF St. Francis in Peoria. I went to work full time at Perry Ambulance in Morton and worked there until they discontinued ambulance service. I joined the Morton Fire Department in 1988 and was hooked, I’ve been in the fire service ever since. I’ve served on the Morton Fire Department, Atlanta Illinois Fire Department, currently serving on the Danvers Fire Department as Chief, and the Normal Fire Department as the Supervisor of the Prevention Bureau. I have maintained my EMT Basic license the entire time since 1988 at one time was licensed as an Intermediate, but returned to the Basic license after moving and no longer serving on a department that had an intermediate service. I have been lucky in my career to serve on excellent departments with very good leadership that have allowed me to learn and grow. The Fire Service may be slow to change but it is constantly changing, going in my time from guys riding on the tail-board on the way to the fire, to now using thermal imaging cameras to find victims. I have always had the following belief, the Fire Department was here long before I joined and will be here long after I’m gone. While I’m here I need to do my best to make it better through education (both teaching and learning), leadership, preserving its history, and embracing its future. If I can accomplish those things hopefully I can leave the department in good hands for the future.


In case of emergency


Dial 911 for assistance